Live from Cedar City, Utah

31 05 2009

I don’t have time tonight to regale you with “tales from the road,” so here are some pretty pictures, since most of you probably can’t read anyhow. Clicky on each of the photos to be taken to that particular Flickr stream, or see the Best Of here.


I iz navigatur.



Read the rest of this entry »

Putting things in Zip-Loc bags is very soothing.

30 05 2009

besides drugs.

Turns out, moving across the country in a Nissan goddam Sentra every few years is a really good way to cut down on clutter. Also to drive your self fucking insane. In any case, Henry and I are departing tomorrow for our great eastward journey, which will look a lot like the great westward journey I made two years ago, except with more dog farts, and hopefully a much better idea. Keep an eye on for updates.


Henry sez: “Where did everything go?”

I’m BACK, world!

29 05 2009

Keep your eyeballs on Urbzen starting Sunday for photos and updates from the Great Urbzen Road Trip, which will basically be a bunch of shots of Henry at various rest stops, refusing to pee until he’s sniffed every goddam blade of grass in the county.


A Very Special Episode of Teablogging

28 05 2009

Well, friends, you know that all good things must end, and, it turns out, all questionable and unabashedly lowbrow things must end too, so today it is with a cirrhotic liver and a heavy heart that I announce my plans to step away from my insolent bastard child,, effective immediately.

After two years in Southern California, I am returning to the bosom of American politics, Washington DC, which has finally and inevitably sucked me back in, like the Mafia, or a toilet. In this new iteration of my life I will be playing the role of a grown-up, which unfortunately does not allow for the kind of edgy, sarcastic and utterly profane tone I hope to have created on Teablogging. That’s why instead of watering it down or shuttering the site entirely, I’m handing it over to my friend Halden, the delightfully embittered editor of ShortsandPants who, honestly, makes me look like I shit rainbows. (follow him on teh Twitturz here)

Meanwhile, I’ll be relaunching, my first intarwebz project (starting this weekend with dispatches from my cross-country drive), where I’ll cover a broader range of social issues—It’ll be like the Ladies’ Page, if the Ladies’ Page drank whiskey for breakfast and cursed like a sailor. Hope to see you all over there, and don’t forget to give Shortsy a hard time.

I also feel like I should mention that my decision to hand over Teablogging has less than nothing to do with the sorry excuse for a lawsuit recently filed against me by a certain reptile. If anything, that whole episode just made it harder to walk away.

Bon chance, and try not to fuck everything up.

Yours in teabagging,


Don’t sue me, bro

26 05 2009

Well that was fun, huh?

For those of you who are just tuning in, last week conservative dickbag and alleged non-lizard Michael P. Leahy filed what has got to be one of the most hilarious suits in history of the American legal system against Your Editor (previous posts here, here and here), claiming, among other things,


2. Grasmick also stated in her May 13, 2009 publication to her website that Leahy is a “delusional profiteering creep” with the knowledge that this was a completely false statement which she had no evidence to support. Wikipedia defines profiteering as “a pejorative term for the act of making a profit by methods considered unethical. Business owners may be accused of profiteering when they raise prices during an emergency (especially a war). The term is also applied to businesses that play on political corruption to obtain government contracts.” (Exhibit H)

3. Grasmick called Leahy an “insane clown” knowing full well this was an untrue statement. (Exhibit H)

4. Grasmick called Leahy a “member of some alien race of Lizard People” knowing full well this was an untrue
statement.(Exhibit H)

While I am not especially familiar with the psychology of insane lizard-clowns, I’m guessing that Leahy thought that after publishing my (gasp!) real name and filing this ridiculous suit, I would cry like a girl and go running for my mommy.

That, of course, is not exactly how it worked out. Read the rest of this entry »

Clarification of statements made about TCOT Founder Michael P. Leahy on May 13, 200

23 05 2009

As it seems at least half the goddamn internet is aware by now, TCOT founder, tea party leader and confirmed non-lizard Michael Patrick Leahy took issue with some statements I made about him in a post on this site last month. While I stand by the stand by both the substance and spirit of that post, I want to make very clear that I am amending both instances of the term “tax fraud” to “tax negligence.” After speaking with Mr. Leahy and reviewing the facts on my own, I feel the latter term more accurately represents Leahy’s storied history with the IRS, and it has always been my intention to present the facts in the most honest (if foul-mouthed) light possible on this site.

So, again, we’re talking tax negligence here, not tax fraud.

I would also like to state for the record that I have no evidence beyond my own instinct to support my prior claim that Mr. Leahy is a member of an alien race of Lizard People. As I am not an expert in this area, I am prepared to clarify that assertion as well following a thorough examination by a credible herpetologist or ichthyologist of Mr. Leahy’s choosing.

Read the rest of this entry »

Well this sounds awful

22 05 2009

Since Atlanta is always so lovely in August, I’m sure you will all want to join the RedStateArmy, for some protest, or something. There will be pancakes!

I’ve highlighted some key passages, for hilarity.

IMPORTANT DETAILS on the RedState Gathering
Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)
Friday, May 22nd at 12:31PM EDT
1 Comment
If you have already registered for the August 1, 2009, gathering, you’ll get an email today with a special website address from which you can make your reservations in Atlanta.

Those of you who have not yet registered will see the web address upon registering.

Make your reservation by June 1, 2009, and the rate will be $99.00 for both Friday night and Saturday night. You can and probably will want to have a reservation for both the nights of Friday, July 31, 2009, and Saturday, August 1, 2009.

GO HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE EVENT. Remember, it’s only $15.00 to attend, plus the costs of travel and hotel. We’ll be providing free breakfasts and a free lunch on Saturday.

Here is the list of people we have invited to speak, though not all of them have confirmed yet:

Governor Mark Sanford
Senator Jim DeMint
Congressman Mike Pence
Congressman Tom Price
Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel
Florida Speaker of the House Marco Rubio

After June 1, 2009, the room rate will increase to $119.00 both nights. Remember that breakfast will be provided, free of charge, both Saturday morning and Sunday morning. Lunch will also be provided on Saturday.

There will be a Friday night reception as well.

I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta.

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Terrible things happen when angry conservatives have access to Photoshop.

21 05 2009

Avert your eyes.

That which does not kill us makes us really effing tired.

20 05 2009

As most of you are probably already aware, TCOT cofounder and known human Michael Patrick Leahy has been making a lot of noise lately about suing Your Editor for libel and invasion of privacy resulting from a post published on Teablogging May 13 regarding Leahy’s history in civil court and with the IRS

I appreciate the supportive messages I’ve received from many of you. The mere posting of Leahy’s complaint has caused a considerable burden on my time and psyche, so I am currently taking a little while to locate an attorney, speak with some advisers and consider my options moving forward.

I understand that Leahy is upset and embarrassed, and he should be. That said, I will not respond to bullying and threats. I have been in touch with Mr. Leahy, and it is my sincere hope that we can resolve this matter through clear-minded and thoughtful dialogue, and at a minimal cost to the American taxpayer.

A more comprehensive account of the events of the past few days is available here on DailyKos.

Conservatives to save Republican Party by utterly destroying Republican Party

20 05 2009

It’s like finally finding a house that is able to clean itself. Faced with a vacuum of both ideas and leadership, factions of the GOP have taken to literally declaring war on one another, leaving the Dems sort of sitting on the sideline like an amused if skeptical Maytag repairman.

The latest variation on this theme comes to us courtesy of frothy homophobe/misogynist and AmSpec blogger Robert Stacy McCain, who has started a movement called Not One Red Cent. According to the movement’s web site:

On May 12, 2009, The National Republican Senatorial Committee betrayed its mission, betrayed Republican voters, and betrayed the Reagan legacy.

The NRSC sided with an establishment candidate, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, in a Senate primary against young conservative leader, former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio.

Republicans across the country were outraged by this action, which is only the latest betrayal of grassroots conservatives by the out-of-touch GOP elite in Washington.

The word went forth among conservative activists: Do not give money to the NRSC. The current chairman, Sen. John Cornyn, must resign. His replacement must pledge to keep the committee neutral in contested primaries. Let Republican voters — not party elites — choose Republican candidates.

This is where the conservative grassroots rebellion begins. When the NRSC asks you for money, tell ’em:


So, uh, you guys run along and do that. We’ll just be over here running the country.