Welcome to Teablogging

11 04 2009

Welcome to Teablogging.net! This site was created by famous internet celebrity and known liberal @StephanieInCA and is now brought to you by @ShortsandPants (Halden) to chronicle the lead-up to the April 15 conservative hysteria Tax Day Tea Parties and to serve as a central repository for low-brow teabag-related sex jokes.

Our intention was to wind down the site following the rallies on April 15; however, like any good tantrum, the Teabag Movement shows no signs of abating. So for as long as Teabaggers, Paultards, secessionists, Randians, fisters, Beckites, etc. continue to gather at parks and strip malls across the country to express poorly articulated outrage and thinly veiled panic, Teablogging will be here, bringing it to you live, and taking the lowest possible road… for freedom.

Around the site, you’ll find MSM and blog teabagging coverage, local Teaparty Infiltration Teams (TITs), a Teabagging FAQ and links to teaparty-related topics trending on Twitter. If you have a post you’d like to see included on Teablogging, email us at teablogging@gmail.com or wander on over to our Contact section.



12 responses

13 04 2009
Lego Jesus

Bless you, my child. Go forth and spread the peeps.

13 04 2009

I am in awe.

14 04 2009

I just got a teaparty robocall. Someone has deep pockets.



14 04 2009
reality strickes

Why doesn’t somebody actually just get someone of these “representatives” of the people (aka “gov’t sheesh) and ACTUALLY TEABAG THEM ON THE STEPS OF THE CONGRESS IN FRONT OF ALL THE CAMERAS IT WOULD BE THE BEST STATEMENT people

14 04 2009
el donaldo

what do you do when you hold a protest and everyone laughs at you?

14 04 2009
el pinche

In addtion to not knowing what “teabagging” really means, these deranged morans are protesting a tax code that has been imposed by a Republican Congress and Republican president. Hahahaha! It’s funny but these same assholes drive on our roads and use forks.

14 04 2009
mr wunnerful

thank god you’re here!

15 04 2009
Joe Blow

Did you remember to vote in the last election? did you vote for your candidate for HR or Sen?

Either way, then you have the representation you deserve.

cause either your guy/gal lost.. or they won. so stop with the dumb “tea party” thingy. that’s very foreign.

15 04 2009
Joe Blow

and I am serious!

just like you but I have more sense….

11 05 2009
Will Staples

“In addtion to not knowing what “teabagging” really means, these deranged morans are protesting a tax code that has been imposed by a Republican Congress and Republican president.”

To be fair, the “teabagging” joke seems to have been made up by Keith Olbermann or other prominent liberals. Considering most Paulbots spend all their time on the Internet, I’m pretty sure they have a grasp on sexual slang.

Doesn’t make the whole affair any less stupid, though.

15 05 2009

Yes, Keith Olbermann invented the slang meaning for teabagging. Will, I suggest that you learn to actively pursue information gathering so you can make informed arguments before posting crap like this ^ on this website.

This term has been around since at least 2007 …. really, jump into your wayback machine, long before misguided people decided to start using it to describe protests of the tax code implemented by the Bush 41 administration. Can a conservative really protest things that are created by other conservatives?

Yes, because they don’t know what the hell is going on.

3 07 2009
glenda J

I just heard on the Austin news that there’s another tea party scheduled on the capital steps from 2-4pm tomorrow and our illustrious idiots Cornyn and Perry will be there. Hilarity will ensue, no doubt.

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